Today was a slow day so I decided to knock out some little things I had seen on pinterest that I have been wanting to do. Growing up my mom had these glass canisters and I have been looking for years to find them. I found the larger ones with the colored rings at Tuesday Mornings and the smaller ones at Michael's. Someone had pinned these labels and made them available for download, so I purchased some transfer paper and well, you can see the end result. Just to give credit where credit it due, here is the link:
The second project of the day, was to make my own dishwasher detergent. This is fairly inexpensive and will last me for a very long time. Again, to give is the link:
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Oh, by the way...
Did I mention I am getting married? Well, I am and since we are less that a year out I guess I should start planning. Being the penny pincher I am, I am determined to make as many things as possible myself without having it look like it (hopefully). So I have been doing my pintersearch (pinterest research for you non-pinners) and have started adding ideas to projects. First one up, the centerpieces. I am going with cherry blossoms for the flower and I found a glass centerpiece that I wanted and next thing I knew, I was off to the craft store. So, it's not exactly like what I found, but its close and I think it came out pretty good. So I am accepting any and all comments and suggestions on what you think...or don't think...whichever. :-)
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Bedroom Complete :-)
I know I have been overloading with projects lately, but these are things I have been dying to get done and now I have the time and the work space to do it. This morning I finally have a headboard after almost 3 years without. I had been throwing ideas around for a while and not real sure what to do. Then while moving, I came across a pair of euroshams that came with my bedding that I dont use because I just couldnt find 24x24 pillows to go in them. Then it hit me, what if I used them to make a padded headboard? So this morning after dropping the kiddo off to daycare, I headed to Lowes and in just a few hours, I now have a complete bedset. :-) Its a simple design and I would classify it in a beginners-intermediate category if you wanted to do something like this. I made a collaboration of pics to share....enjoy!
Monday, July 16, 2012
Getting close...
Finally have had the time and space to make my benches so I can do bigger projects. I have a little more unpacking and organizing to do out there, but once that is done...its on! So, what you are looking at here are two 2' x 5' mobile benches that when put back to back, latch together at the ends. I can then lock the wheels and have a stable 4' x 5' work table. :-)
Sunday, July 15, 2012
little off beat....
I know this didn't take any real effort and isn't really a "project", but I am all about organization and I had to share. I was needing a place to put my daughters paints and other arts and crafts stuff. Its's been getting pushed around the counter and today after buying curtains, it hit me. The bag the curtains came in would make a great storage container that can be hung on a rod! So, the paints and brushes conveniently fit just right, I already have a rod under the kitchen cabinet to hang spray bottles on, and voila....great storage for craft supplies! So next time you buy curtains from Wally-world, save the never know what use it may have!
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Almost a complete bedroom!
So yesterday was the was the dresser. I made this dresser about 10 years ago and it has been tucked away for the last few due to various stains, water marks, a sticky substance covering most of the top and whatnot other reasons. So today it was sanded and given new life and for the first time since I was little, I have a matching bedroom set! Check it out...before and after.
Monday, July 9, 2012
Ahhh...I have a bed again!
I know I just posted something yesterday, but I am trying to put the house back together and damnit, I want my bed back! I have been wanting to refinish it for over 3 years now. So I figured while its apart, I might as well get it done! Only took about 3 hours total from sanding to finished assembly in my room. So here you are...the before and after!
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Back in the game!
So...after a long break, I'm finally back. I'm still unpacking from the move, but for the most part I'm done. So back to my little arts and crafts corner I go. First up, is a little entry way mat I made using river rocks. Not bad for a first try. The hot glue didn't adhere so well to some of the rocks, so it may be remodeled at some point...not to mention its not as wide as I wanted. Its not completely finished either (missing grout), but I figured close enough for you to get the idea.
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